Wednesday, 12 November 2014


Hello! Welcome to the very first post of Maybe It's Because I'm Not A Londoner! I hope you'll stick with me on my journey here, so I thought I'd start by telling you a bit about me and a bit about what I'm going to be up to with this blog...

Simply put, I'm a Welsh ex-actor living in London; I went off to drama school, graduated, flitted between West Wales and Central London and after a few years, I decided that leotards, late-nights and line-learning just wasn't for me. 

Alongside working as a wedding industry copywriter, I found a hobby in blogging and started a follow-up blog (, a roll aimed at prospective brides, with the aim of discussing wedding tips, trends and the trade. Much as I love the wedding industry, I began to look for something else to blog about and - seeing as I've relatively recently made the move to London - it seemed like an obvious transition to start writing about my experiences here.

The Blog
I'd like to say from the outset, if you're looking for Time Out's latest P.O.V, you're in the wrong place; I'm not an expert on London life, I'm just a girl from Wales who is starting out (and over) in the nation's capital. I'll be sharing my thoughts on the areas I visit, the places I eat at; the things I see and all the goodies I find  in The Big Smoke and beyond. 

I hope you enjoy the blog; watch this space!


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